
Facility Rental Request

  • Your Information:

  • Facility Rental:

  • Rental Fee:  Fee includes use of table and chairs, set-up and clean-up

     **10% discount for Chai Club Members

  • Building Access

    Access to the building is available Monday – Thursday from 10:00am – 4:00pm.    If you need access outside these times please call the office to make special arrangements.


    1.     All food must be Cholov Yisroel, Pas Yisroel and Glatt Kosher.  Please see list of recommended caterers below.
    2.     Wine must be Kosher Mevushal.
    3.     For a Shabbat event (begins Friday at sunset through Saturday at nightfall), all flowers, decoration, food and anything else to be used on Shabbat must be delivered prior to the beginning of Shabbat on Friday. There can be no photography or audiovisual usage on Shabbat. There are also no dairy catering options on Shabbat.
    4.    Chabad is responsible for cleaning and set-up (chairs and tables set out) prior to the event and sweeping and vacuuming after the event.  Anything else that is left is your and/or the caterers responsibility to clean up.  Please do not leave your centerpieces.
    5.    Your caterer will need to fill out this form and send it to the office no later than one week before the event. 
    6.     If you choose to have the tables set-out, you are responsible for providing Chabad with a diagram of the set-up not later than 5 days prior to the event.
    7.     Music should be limited to Jewish or Israeli music.
    8.   There should not be mixed gender dancing.
    9.   If catering is being dropped off, you will need your own waitstaff, linens, and paper goods. Please make sure that someone is there to put the food away once delivered. 

  • Approved Full service Caterer Options:
    -         Foremost Catering - 201- 664-2465
    -         Main Event 201-894-8710
    -         Pomp Caterers – 973-539-4314
    -         Table One Catering  - 917- 324-6276

  • Waiter/Waitress help

    -         Angela Serving 845-803-8788

    Available for use at Chabad

    5 – 5’ round tables
    3 – 6 ‘ long tables
    3 – 8’ long tables
    20 – 6’ skinny tables
    2 refrigerators
    2 freezers

    Misc. Other
    Suggested Vendors
    Linens - White Plains Linens 737-2532
    Table and Chairs & Linens - Alperson's  592-8300
    Kosher dishes, tents, podiums, etc. - ABC Party Fabulous, Kosher division.  845-358-5744 Ext. 300
    Kippah's and Women's Head Coverings -

  • Payment Information:

  • $0.00
    Credit Card
    Billing Address
  • Should be Empty:
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